Thursday, April 12, 2012

On to the next thing

Today is actually my last day of classes for 1L year. Praise the Lord! It has been... a learning experience. I was thinking this morning how ready I am to be finished with school and finals and ready for a break. This semester has certaintly been less overwhelming than last and a bit busier but more manageable over all. It's amazing how easily my mind reverts to the next thing on the agenda. If I can finish this task, I can move on to the next and then the next and then the next. The Lord has been teaching me to be full of each moment lately. Be present in that moment, because ultimately I have no idea what the next moment will hold. Moving into the summer, I know that I'll be working with the Congressional Coalition for Adoption Institute but I have no idea what i'll be doing or where I'll be living, and I have no idea how my schedule should look for the fall (although I've already picked classes). When the future is full of uncertainty, I think we have two choices: (1) Worry- because we have no idea what's ahead and that quite frankly is scary, or (2) live fully in the present moment and trust that God will take care of whatever is ahead. Option 1 is our default as humans and option 2 is counter-cultural. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Psalm 32:8. Our responsibility to is to tust the Lord and to be certain of what is hoped for and confident in what is not yet seen (Hebrews 11:1).

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your wisdom! I'm coming to Regent to begin law school in August! Loved reading this!!
