Thursday, May 17, 2012

Summer Plans

Well, this summer has brought with it new challenges and exciting adventures. Once again, I am reminded that the Lord has me in law school for a different reason than most people, or at least a different plan towards potentially the same result. I took a visit to the Virginia Beach city jail last week and got to meet the chaplains, who apparently go to my church and I didn't realize it. Myself and two friends from the doctoral psychology program took a tour of the womens side of the jail. The inmates told us about the chaplain's Life Empowerment Program and how they became incarcerated. The program is very interesting because these 10 ladies are isolated from the general population of women and go through an intensive bible study course. They do about 3 studies a day, on their own and in groups, and they have only christian movies, music, and books to entertain themselves. The psych girls and I debriefed a few days later and we came up with some interesting questions about the program, how the ladies were progressing, and how we felt about it as christians who want to offer mercy but also want to see real results. It is easy to have a somewhat jaded perspective when inmates say they have changed in prison, especially if you have any personal experience with jail programs or people who are or have been incarcerated. It's a terrible to think this way, but so often people disappoint us. The psychology students are planning to get involved with the program as a part of their class project, and I am considering helping. Interestingly, I'm turning away from an opportunity to be apart of a law school activity, which at first I felt really guilty about. Then, I remembered how much I love working with people, especially the outcasts. I think the Lord may be shifting my heart away from the typical academic approach to law school, what I feel is expected of a "successful law student," to be involved in the trenches elsewhere maybe in the jail, maybe legal aid, or maybe pro bono work for some firm. The Lord has been showing my strengths and weaknesses and still He is opening doors. I may not be a strong academic, but if I can help overworked attorneys during law school by providing free help, especially to those who work with society's outcasts, then I think it will be worth rearranging my priorities.

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